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Pet First Aid Classes Help You Help Your Pet BEFORE Veterinary Help Is Available

Proud to teach the Sunny-dog Ink © Pet First Aid & CPCR Program

By knowing Pet First Aid and CPCR you can:

  • Lower your pet's body temperature to prevent brain damage or death

  • Minimize blood loss and prevent infection by properly bandaging a wound. Knowing where the critical arterial pressure points are on your pooch can be a life-saver!

  • Alleviate choking with the doggie Heimlich-like maneuver.

  • Expel poison from your pet's system by properly inducing vomiting.

  • Be the pump your pet's heart can't be, moving life-giving blood and oxygen throughout their body, until you can get to professional medical help.


Your pets are counting on you to be able to help in ways such as:

  1. Muzzling, Safely Approaching & Restraining

  2. How to check Pulse, Respiration & CRT

  3. WHAT TO DO FOR: Bloat, Burns, Choking, Constipation, Diarrhea, Drowning, Frostbite, Heat Stroke, Poisoning & Seizures, Snake Bites, Bee Stings, Upset Tummies & more. 

  4. Rescue breathing & CPCR (Cardio Pulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation

  5. Bandaging & Splinting Techniques 


Class length is 4-5 hours. Fee is $79/per person. Take home reference booklets provided. 

If you have a group of 4 or more people that would like to schedule a class or a business that wants staff trained please reach out for scheduling. I will come to you. I can also schedule at a reduced rate for 501(c)3 organizations. 

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